Hi! I am Kati Watson the Community Director of Dyslexia in Adults! We decided that it was about time that I formally introduced myself to the community!
As a note I normally spell check EVERYTHING using Grammarly but... in the spirit of being dyslexic I am not going to correct anything in this article (gotta be authentic right)!
My Dyslexic Story:
When I was in the first grade my teacher Mrs. Apple (yes that was her name) recomended to my parents that I get tested for learning disabulitys. I went and did oodles of tests. It turned out to be a good news bad news situation. Good news as a first grader I had the vocabulary of an 8th grader. Bad news I pretty much could not read or right.
My parents made the hard decision to hold me back a grade. I was a fantasticly social and bright young kid so it was not an easy choice for them (I had oodles of friends). They also enrolled me in special language therapy classes to learn how to read and right. I just have to take a quick secound to thank Lou Ann Cozart. Mrs. Cozart was my laugage therapy teacher and beside my parents she is THE reason I have been able to accomplish as much as I have in my life. In these classes I had to learn how to learn, all the simple things that come easy for kids like how to spell and read I had to practice. I was tought what sounds combinations of letters make (ex. a 'R' sounds like "er"), the i before e rule and more. I am not going to lie it was really hard and my mother and I had so so so many fights while doing homework (sorry mom).
I went to public school starting in the third grade. Long story but the short version is I was tested privately for my dyslexcia and my public school would not recognize the results so I was given no special help. I mean I got a little bit of help like the teacher would give me 10 spelling words insted of 15, and they would ignore some of my spelling mistakes on my papers but for the most part I went through out my educational career with out any formal assistance. Evne in college I would go in and tell my teachers my story but I never got extra time on assignemnts or on tests (there were a few who would help me proofread stuff so that was awesome, shout out to Dr. B and Dr.P).
I have been in the "real world" (what ever that means) for about 8 years and boy has it been a ride! I have worked all kids of jobs (Natalie calles me a job collector) and have learned a lot.
I still strugle every day with my dyslexia and have recently accpted that I also have ADHD. It has been really intersting to learn more about how dyslexia affects me outside of just reading and writting. As a kid that was all anyone prepared me for so as I aged out of education and in to adult life I got a pretty big kick in the pants. This group and Natalie have tought me so so much, and I am eternaly grateful.
What do I do for Dyslexia in Adults & The Hive?
I met Natalie when I found her Instagram (like most of us), and after her first live event I reached out to her offering to help her. Legit she had no clue who I was lol! I just sent her an email and thought if she reads it she reads it. Two years later I am still here!
I have done a little bit of everthing over the years with Natalie but currently I:
Write Weekly Blogs
Create Weekly Hive ONLY Guides (learn more about the Hiive HERE)
Chat with community members
Create weekly emails for the community & the Hive
Host events from time to time
Working on a SPUPER Secrit SUPRISE for the Hive
One of the peices of work that I am most proud of is the What is Dyslexia Guide (get a free copy HERE)
4 Fun Facts About Me:
I currently live in Florida (google Florda man then your birthday you are sure to get a good laugh)
I love reading sifi and fantacy books (right now I am reading The Well of Ascension, book 2 in the Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson)
My dream is to one day write childrens books about big scince concepts staring my dogs Darwin and Mendel (still building that confidence).
I am a runner and am due to run my second marathon this up coming January!
Closing Thoughts:
I am realllllllly proud of being dyslexic. Being apart of the Hive and Dyslexia in Adults has tought me so much. I have gained a deepr undrestanding of what dyslexia is and how it impacts me. With all that knowledge I hope to keep inspiring our community and making a difference in the lives of others! Oh' and if you have ideas for blogs or topics we should covre leave them in the comments!