Seeing the good in dyslexia even when it is hard.
Being dyslexic is not easy and can grate a person's confidence. Finding the strengths of dyslexia when you are feeling down can be a real struggle! Here are 3 easy ways to find your dyslexic strengths.
1. Complements=Confidence
Struggling at work? Look in your "Complements Folder" (if you are not keeping a folder of lovely emails and complements, you NEED to start), and find a nice email someone sent you. Ask yourself why someone sent you that compliment, we're willing to bet there was a dyslexic strength behind it.
I got an email from my boss thanking me for my hard work and customer care on a project launch. What are dyslexic strengths hidden in that message? Hard work/never-give-up attitude, and empathy for the struggle of others, from years of struggling and growing up with dyslexia
2. Flip of a Coin
The struggles of dyslexia are so so so real! Time blindness, struggling with work recall, and bad working memory are just a few of the daily struggles that plague people with dyslexia. It does not have to be that way! For every battle, there is an opposing strength; if you look hard enough, you can find it.
I always forget details, like calling my friends on their birthdays! Instead of beating myself up, I have decided to focus on the opposing strength. I am good at helping my friends notice patterns and giving them advice. They value our friendship because of my dyslexic strengths and will not end our friendship over my dyslexic weaknesses.
3. Find your Joy
Are you still struggling to see your dyslexic strengths? Try looking inward at the things that you enjoy doing. Generally speaking, we enjoy activities that come naturally to us. Dyslexia sure as heck comes naturally in what feels like all the worst ways, but there are surprise strengths there too.
I love love love reading (and listening to audiobooks), not because reading is easy (far from it), but because my 3-D thinking builds these fantastic worlds in my mind that I get to explore and be inspired. When I talk to neuro-typical people, they don't often make detailed pictures in their minds when they read (which is a massive loss for them).
As you start to search out your strengths, remember that not every dyslexic person is the same, some of us have better working memory than others, and some of us don't struggle with right and left. It is ok to be different and to take time to figure out who you are.