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4 Time Management Systems for Dyslexics

How to manage your time, stay on task, and be more efficient

Being dyslexic means that you probably struggle with time blindness and time management. Well, we have good news and bad news. The bad news is you will always probably struggle. The good news is that there are some cool ways to decrease the amount of stress you have around time management.

Here are 4 excellent time management systems to try and why they work well for people with Dyslexia! Feel free to try them one at a time or combine them to make the perfect system for you (we are all about creating strategies that work for you)!

Method: 7 Minute Life

What is it?

Did you know that 1% of your day equals 14 minutes? The 7 Minute Life only asks for 14 minutes of your time and is built to improve organization.

How does it work?

  1. Before starting work (or your day), take 7 minutes and plan out your day in general terms. Spend no more and no less than 7 minutes on this!

  2. Before you head to bed (or leave work), take another 7 minutes to review your day and start prepping for the next day ahead.

Why it works for dyslexics!

The 7 Minute Life can be an effective tool for dyslexics who often feel overwhelmed by the amount of stuff they have to accomplish (especially us overachievers). When you give yourself a framework for the day, it can help keep you focused and create priorities. Reviewing your day each day helps build a better understanding of how long things take and will help combat time blindness.

Method: Time Blocking

What is it?

Time blocking is the practice of chunking your day up into large blocks of time. We found this method effective when combined with the Pomodoro Method. This method helps decrease distractions and maximise time.

How does it work?

  1. On a sheet of paper, list out 30-minute increments. Wright out 10-10:30, 10:30-11, etc. (or you can open up your google calendar)

  2. Next to each of those blocks, write out what you will be doing with that 30-minute window or any meetings you may have. You can be as specific or as broad as you want.

Why it works for dyslexics!

Time blocking gives you a visual representation (incredible for dyslexics) of how your time is being spent. I am sure I am not the only dyslexic who has looked up at the clock after starting a 10-minute task only to find it's been 2 hours. This method also allows you to dedicate specific time slots for things like managing emails or, in our case, responding to DM's. Time blocking is also a HUGE help with creating a healthy work-life balance.

Method: Autofocus

What is it?

Autofocus is a bit of an oddball when it comes to time management systems, but we thought it worth mentioning. The goal is to make work (or tasks) a little more enjoyable so that you naturally do them faster.

How does it work?

  1. Make a to-do list (or do a quick brain dump)

  2. Go ahead and do a once-over of the list. Read through each item and don't cross anything off or reorganise it.

  3. Now pick an item off the list that seems appealing (don't worry about the due date or importance).

  4. Work on that item until you get bored, frustrated, or done.

  5. Cross the item off (even if you didn't finish). If you didn't complete the task, no big deal; add it to the bottom of the list again.

  6. Pick another interesting-looking task and repeat.

  7. Once you stop seeing things you want to do on your list, pull out a clean sheet of paper and re-write the list.

Why it works for dyslexics!

Autofocus is incredible for people with ADHD or Dyslexics who struggle to stay engaged. When we force ourselves to do work we don't want to do, it can cost us so much extra time. By prioritising things that seem interesting, we make progress on our list and waste less time.

Method: The 1-3-5 Rule

What is it?

The 1-3-5 Rule is beneficial for creating priorities and balancing how many tasks you try to manage at one time. It is also helpful in decreasing distractions, creating priorities, and reducing stress.

How does it work?

  1. Write down 1 big item

  2. Write down 3 medium items

  3. Write down 5 small items

  4. Start working on those and only those tasks

Why it works for dyslexics!

A lot of neurotypicals struggle with priority management in conjunction with task management. Our minds think, create the presentation for the multi-billion dollar deal with the same weight as responding to Michels wedding invitation. The 1-3-5 Rule helps us categorise things more appropriately.

No time management system will be suitable for everyone, and the ones we talked about today are just a few of the many out there. One of the most important things that we want to teach people is to create systems that work for them regardless of what others think. Let us know what you think of these in the comments! Have you tried any of them?


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